Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Djinn Funnel Project

Started work last week on a new album with my old music partner, Cullen Page. It's beginning to sound amazing, I can't wait to share more later this year. There will be videos to accompany the music.

Listen to old Djinn Funnel music here:

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Finished a draft of my newest speculative fiction novel

I completed a beta draft of my newest novel, and it stands at a little over 92,000 words at the moment. Fresh off the press (minus a few days) are two copies of the draft for editing. The beginning of a series potentially.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Poem #3 from my book

A poem from my recent poetry collection.

Butterfly Visions

Echo from the ocean side,
wakes up in rewind
to the twilight's hazy fog, dreams
of a cocoon hatching divined.

A butterfly flutters its wings,
like how a grasshopper
rubs its legs and sings,
among the berries of a juniper.

Egg becomes larva near juniper needles,
from caterpillar to instar chamber.
Enter REM sleep of chrysalis,
dreams of life as a human shaman.

A woman recalls her childhood,
living a life alone.
Later in life seeking solitude,
until nature retrieves her mind on loan.

A woman dies and dreams of chrysalis,
returns to her place of birth,
opens wings out of instar into skies
of Earth.

Flying through marigold fields,
smelling flower pheromones.
A butterfly flutters
looks at wavelength overtones,
each eye thousands of transmitters.

One day while pollinating,
a butterfly lays eggs near
coneflower leaves germinating
to begin again
a vibrating mandala.